
After Action Screening & Panel Discussion - Beaufort, SC

Tuesday, January 17, 2023
Time: 5:30 pm
USCB Center for the Arts, 805 Carteret Street, Beaufort, SC 29902

South Carolina ETV, the ETV Endowment and the USCB Center for the Arts invite you to a special community screening of AFTER ACTION, an ETV-produced series featuring conversations with military veterans that reveal what life is like before, during and after action.

We gather at 5:30 PM for heavy hors d'oeuvres before we settle in to watch the second episode of AFTER ACTION, "Indoc," which explores the process of transforming civilians into service men and women.  ETV Lowcountry’s Holly Bounds-Jackson will then moderate a conversation with series host Stacy Pearsall and featured veterans: Bambi Bullard, Dan Wrightsman and Meggen Ditmore.  The evening will be an inspiring opportunity to preview a national program created right here in South Carolina and to share in a candid discussion about the training and tranformation of civilians into servicemen and women and the impact this process has on their military performance and their lives after service. 

RSVP Today!

Space is limited and registration is required. RSVP before January 10th.


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