Inside ETV Endowment

What have you learned from a program on SCETV or SC Public Radio recently?

Among the most important features of PBS programming is that is approaches historical topics with authenticity and truth. 

For example, the documentaries by Ken Burns are known for their accuracy and thoroughness. In Burns' new two-part documentary, we learn about Benjamin Franklin's accomplishments — there were many — as well as his extensive political career. 

Burns and his colleagues often spend years researching their subject, traveling to places where events took place, filming and editing. As a result of this approach to historical narratives, Burn's documentaries have become an invaluable part of PBS programming and its purpose in educating viewers. 

Unfolding history is also a large part of local programming provided by South Carolina ETV and SC Public Radio. Renowned historian Walter Edgar educates listeners on SC Public Radio about the history of our state and the American South on Walter Edgar's Journal and South Carolina from A to ZListeners are enriched by Walter Edgar's historical commentary every week on SC Public Radio. 

What have you learned from a program on SCETV or SC Public Radio recently? I'm willing to bet lots!

Coby Cartrette Hennecy, CPA, CFRE
Executive Director
ETV Endowment of South Carolina

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