Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive

The ETV Endowment, SCETV and the Department of English at the College of Charleston joined together for a special discussion and screening of the new documentary, Edgar Allan Poe: Buried Alive earlier this month. Part of the PBS series American Masters, the film draws on the rich palette of Poe’s evocative imagery and sharply drawn plots to tell the real story of the notorious author and explores the misrepresentations of Poe as a drug-addled madman akin to the narrators of his horror stories.

Scott Peeples, a College of Charleston professor of English and moderator of the event, is one of several renowned Poe scholars interviewed in the documentary.
The story of Edgar Allan Poe hits closer to home than some might think, South Carolina Public Radio’s Victoria Hansen tells the story of Poe’s time in the South Carolina Lowcountry.
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