Bringing you high-quality cultural arts programming from across the country

Dear ETV Endowment member,
Offering high-quality cultural arts programming is one of the main goals of SCETV and SC Public Radio. There are thousands of live art, music, dance and theater performances throughout the country, but most people do not have the time, resources or geographical proximity to attend more than a small fraction of them. Our programs fill in the gaps!
In just the May-June time period, you'll have the opportunity to view several new programs including Richard III, a play by William Shakespeare; Fanny: The Right to Rock, a documentary about the legendary rock group; the Spoleto Chamber Music Series and American Masters' revealing portrait of 20th-century Korean-born artist Nam June Paik.
Our programs inform, inspire, educate and entertain. We hope you will continue to enjoy them and to recommend our wide array of programming to family and friends. Thank you for your support.
Coby Cartrette Hennecy, CPA, CFRE
Executive Director
ETV Endowment of South Carolina