Statement of Intent

Planned Giving Statement of Intent

As an indication of my/our desire to provide a legacy of support to the ETV Endowment of South Carolina, I hereby inform the Endowment that I/we have made a provision for a gift in my/our estate plan. I understand that this commitment is revocable and can be modified by me/us at any time.

Donor Recognition
Yes, you may recognize me/us in donor lists and at events.
I/We prefer to remain anonymous during our lifetimes, but you may recognize me/us after my/our gift matures.
I/We prefer to remain anonymous.
Description of Gift
Bequest through Will or Revocable Trust
Charitable Trust
Real Estate
IRA or Retirement Plan
My/Our Provision Names the ETV Endowment of South Carolina as the Beneficiary.
I/we understand that, by stating an amount, my/our Estate is not legally bound by this statement and I/we may choose to add, subtract or revoke this bequest at any time, at my/our sole discretion.
Purpose of Future Gift
This gift is to be unrestricted and may be used where the need is greatest at the ETV Endowment of South Carolina
I/We wish to specify that this gift be used to support the following project(s) or purpose(s):
Please sign your full name here.